Theatrical Productions Presents
WITHOUT BOUNDARIES: A Very Special Event with Playwright Stephanie Liss, and Special
Musical Guest RebbeSoul, Discussing Their Work Together on “Sister Africa”
As part of our 2017 Celebration of
Women in Theatre, Genesis Theatrical Productions invites you to a very special
Meet and Greet with playwright Stephanie Liss, who will discuss her new play
“Sister Africa," about the work of Jewish World Watch on the ground in the
Congo and her experience in the Congo as part of her research. World-renowned
musician/composer RebbeSoul has created a hauntingly beautiful score for
“Sister Africa” and will be at the event, playing some of the music for which
he is known.
Refreshments will be served.
The Buena at the Pride Arts Center, 4147 N. Broadway, Chicago
Sunday, April 23 – 10am t0 noon
RESPOND: or 773-800-1703